Who is the Littleton Downtown Development Authority?

We are your coalition of champions for steering the economic vitality of Downtown Littleton through collaborative efforts that cultivate a vibrant community.

The Littleton DDA is comprised of four subareas representing core areas of business in Downtown Littleton:

  • Downtown Core and Gateway – this subarea includes two distinctions: the “core” which is everything west of the railroad tracks; and the “gateway” which is a small area along Littleton Blvd. The “Core” includes everything from Powers Avenue to Littles Creek and from Santa Fe Drive to the tracks. This is what most people think of when they refer to Downtown Littleton. It includes the highest intensity and mix of uses. The “Gateway” includes the Courthouse and Community Center, as well as some commercial uses along Littleton Blvd.
  • Riverside – this subarea includes everything between Santa Fe Drive and the South Platte River from Bowles Avenue to Hudson Gardens. The majority landowner is DISH Headquarters which includes 2,000 employees. Other uses include a car wash, restaurant, liquor store, and some residential.
  • North Gateway – this subarea is generally north of Powers Avenue. It includes major civic institutions like City Hall and Arapahoe County office buildings, a new hotel, and some light industrial to the far north. A small commercial area and the Essex Hotel are located along Prince Street near the Santa Fe intersection. South of City Hall is a mix of office buildings, apartment buildings, and some single family and commercial units.
  • South Gateway – this subarea includes everything south of Littles Creek. The major landowner is Arapahoe Community College that has 11,500 students enrolled annually. North of Church Street is a mix of commercial and residential uses.
What is a Downtown Development Authority?

Downtown Development Authorities (DDAs) are quasi-public agencies that provide both organization and financing for downtown redevelopment projects that focus on the city center’s vitality and attractiveness. DDAs facilitate partnerships joining businesses, property owners, and other civic partners such as chambers of commerce and local government to create a self-sustaining organization designed to champion downtown for the long term.

As provided by state law, the DDA is governed by a Board of Directors appointed to terms of up to four years by the City Council and includes one seat designated for a City Council Member. A majority of Board Members must reside or own property within the boundary of the DDA, and their primary power is to plan and implement the DDA’s “plan of development, whether economic or physical.”

To learn more, view the Downtown Littleton Plan of Development. 

Why was the Littleton DDA formed?

Downtown Littleton has seen improvements in business growth and investment in recent years. Managing high expectations of a growing and vibrant downtown and keeping pace with public improvements has proved an ongoing challenge. Businesses, property owners, and residents’ desire for a unified voice ultimately led to the formation of the Littleton Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) – to ensure a sustainable and thriving atmosphere in Downtown Littleton for years to come.

When was the Littleton DDA formed?

The Littleton Downtown Development Authority (LDDA) was approved by voters in November 2022 following a year-long public process.

How is the Littleton DDA funded?

The primary source of funding for a DDA is through Tax Increment Financing (TIF), which is generated from the growth in existing property and sales tax revenues.

TIF can be used to support public improvements and redevelopment projects. It is not a new tax; it simply reallocates a portion of new tax revenue growth to be spent within a certain designated boundary (e.g. DDA Boundary). Non-physical improvements like operations and services (e.g. DDA staff, security, maintenance, events and marketing, etc.) can be funded through an additional mill levy.

Along with the formation of the Littleton Downtown Development Authority (LDDA), downtown DDA voters approved a mill levy (up to 3 additional mills) and authorized utilization of TIF financing.

Start-up funding for the LDDA came from undesignated City ARPA funds and will provide the LDDA with necessary funding through April 2024, when funding will become available through TIF and mill levyassessments. Additional federal, state and local grants may be another funding opportunity for the LDDA.

What is the mission of the Littleton DDA?

The mission of the Littleton Downtown Development Authority is to steer the economic vitality of the district through collaborative efforts that cultivate a vibrant community where businesses thrive, residents are actively engaged, and visitors are eager to return.

View the Littleton DDA’s Strategic Vision

How does the Littleton DDA operate?

With the approval of the Downtown Plan of Development by City Council in May 2023, the LDDA began its work as a champion for the district. For the remainder of 2023, the LDDA focused on startup and statutory compliance efforts in addition to kicking off a series of projects that will result in long-term successes and impact for the Downtown Littleton community. 

While the LDDA will be a key partner of the city, it is important to remember that it is a separate legal, government entity regulated by state statute. It is accountable to its Board of Directors as well as to the city, as set forth by the statute.

View the Littleton DDA 2023-2024 Approved Operating Plan

Downtown Littleton

Business Resources

Access essential resources for businesses located within the Downtown Littleton DDA.

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